Annual costs
National body costs and club fees
On successful completion of the Beginners Course you may apply for club membership (subject to available places; the Club has a maximum membership, stated in the Club Handbook).
The annual subscription is made up of three elements; a part paid to ArcheryGB – the national organisation – to cover shooting insurance and other services; an allocation to two regional bodies, Dorset and Wiltshire Archery Association (DWAA) and Grand Western Archery Society (GWAS) who arrange tournaments, judging and coaching services; and a portion allocated to the local club for targets, equipment, range rental and the like.
Annual fees, payable from 1st October, are currently (2024-25) £104 for senior (25 or over) members, with a sliding scale down to around £40 for junior (under 18) members and £35 for disabled members. The Club reduces their subscription element for second and subsequent family members.
So in the first year, total fees including the Beginners' Course will be £70 course fee + the Archery GB and Club fees. In the second and subsequent years there will of course be no Beginners' Course fee to pay.
The club offers the use of club equipment for six months at £1 every time it's used for a settling-in period to buffer the added cost of buying individual equipment immediately. After six months, you will know whether archery is for you (or not)!
Should you enjoy your archery so much that you wish to purchase a bow and the associated equipment, we have listed some of the UK suppliers on our Links page.